


Bower Mattin



Projects - Health

Water Green Surgery, Macclesfield


A 12m pounds Design and Build project completed 2006 to provide new surgery accommodation for the six surgeries in the town of Macclesfield, serving a population of 60,000.

In addition, accommodation will be provided for new administrative areas, support services and agencies of the East Cheshire Primary Care Trust. A total of 60,000 sq.ft will provide a one stop shop and the benefits of co-location of related services.


As the site is at the town centre, multi-deck car parking is incorporated in the lower floors. The building structure is wrapped over the front to conceal parking decks and provide ground floor retail.
The building is designed to reflect the aspirations of the GP's for a modern state of the art facility. This is balanced alongside the need to respect the issues of overlooking and compatibility with the adjoining conservation area.

Internally, surgeries are equally represented around a central atrium. Natural materials and subtle tones create a calm backdrop to a busy environment.




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